My New Year’s resolutions

Karina Bagrova
3 min readDec 28, 2020

Every year in the last week of December I make New Year’s resolutions, and I think it’s time to tell about what goals I hope to achieve in 2021. It’s very exciting to write about this as I feel like my life is going to be brighter and change for the better.

1) Sport

I know that my body needs more exercise to stay healthy. I want to find some new workout programs and do them every day to feel better. Also I hope to learn swimming (yes, I cannot), I’m going to buy a season ticket to a swimming pool. I think I should pay more attention to my health, and I believe all these activities will help me.

2) My family

I need to spend more time with my family. When I am with them, I am truly happy. And I should help my mum more around the house, of course. I see she gets tired, so it’s a very important goal for me.

3) Books

To tell the truth, I’m not a big fan of reading, but I realize that it can really change my mind. I have already made a list of books I want to read, and, hopefully, in 2021 I will read a lot and finally love literature.

4) Languages

The most important point in this paragraph is to improve my knowledge of English. I will focus on grammar and vocabulary and, of course, I will practice speaking more often. Moreover, I’m thinking about learning a new language, and I have two possible options now, I’ll choose one of them soon.

5) Travelling

I do believe that the situation with coronavirus will get better. My family and I want to visit some interesting places in Russia or go to a new country. I can’t imagine my life without it, so I hope we will get a chance.

6) Music

I have been dreaming to learn how to play the piano for a very long time. Everything about music has a special place in my heart. So, I want to take piano and vocal lessons in 2021.

7) Nutrition

I should admit I have a sweet tooth. I usually eat a lot of sweets and chocolate, but this is the reason I have some problems with my skin. I will reduce the amount of sugar I eat per day.

8) Be grateful for everything.

  • just a little reminder for me

Happy New Year!



